CIPM Workshop Syllabus

Download the workshop syllabus and start adding value to your business by aligning outcomes and strengthening product team collaborations.

Stakeholders enrolled in this workshop will gain a comprehensive understanding of high-quality Product Management and clearly define their relationship with the product team. They will learn the specific activities and responsibilities of Product Managers, understand how Product Managers can help them address customer problems, and work together to develop solutions that achieve product-market fit.

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The best Product Management teams are empowered to solve valuable problems and drive business outcomes. However, when executives are unfamiliar with the benefits of strong Product Management or confuse the role as project management delivering outputs, then the opportunity for the company to succeed becomes less predictable.

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Best Practices

This highly interactive 2-4 hour workshop introduces your leadership team to the value of great Product Management. It aligns executives and key stakeholders on the principles of great Product Management at your company, and how to support Product Management teams in driving business outcomes.

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Teach executives and other stakeholders who interact with Product Management how turning the function into a strategic driver in the company will help them achieve their goals and objectives.

Critical Importance of Product Management

Workshop Syllabus

  • Critical Importance of Product Management
  • Strategic Function of Product Management
  • Roles and Responsibilities
  • The Productside Blueprint
  • Optimizing your Product Management Organization

Download the Workshop Syllabus to Learn More
